Plyometric Leg Workout can be done almost anywhere.

 Taking this challenging plyo workout outside might make it easier to get through.

You Can Do This Plyometric Leg Workout from Emily Skye Practically Anywhere You Can Do This Plyometric Leg Workout Practically Anywhere

Plyometric exercises are great for improving agility, but not everyone enjoys leaping around. If you consider plyometric workouts to be a necessary evil, rest assured that there are techniques to make them more appealing.

For one thing, instead of going to the gym, you may take your workout outside and enjoy the fresh air and scenery. Emily Skye's recent plyo leg workout is an excellent example of how to do so. It appears to be difficult, but with the appropriate backdrop—such as the Australian coast, where Skye filmed her workout—it may not be that awful.

Simply secure a table, seat, or box at a height you can leap onto to try the workout. Multiple sets of four different exercises are interspersed throughout the circuit, with short rest intervals in between. It's safe to say that by the final set of the final move—box jumps—your legs will be sore AF.

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Phase Squat

A. Squat down from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. By slightly extending and then bending knees, you can pulse the movement.

B. Return to the starting position by straightening your knees and standing up.

Perform three sets of 20 reps with a 10-second rest in between.

Reverse Plyo Lunge

A. Begin in a backward lunge with your right foot behind you. To jump explosively, drive via the left foot, driving the right knee into the chest.

B. To return to the starting position, land softly and step back into a reverse lunge with your right foot.

Perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions, resting 30-60 seconds between sets. Repeat on the other side.

Plyo Squat

A. Squat down from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.

B. Jump as high as possible by driving through your heels. Squat down as soon as you touch down.

Perform 3 sets of 15 reps, resting 30–60 seconds between sets.

High Table/Box/Bench Jump

A. Place your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a box. With a tall chest, flat back, and engaged core, swing arms and hinge hips back.

B. Swing arms forward and jump up and forward, landing softly with both feet on the box, using momentum.

C. Stand up, knees locked and hips extended. To get back to where you started, take a step back down to the ground.

Perform 4 sets of 10 reps, resting 30–60 seconds between sets.

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